Topic: I can't use FF400 record from software to software ?

First,I'm a newby RME user.FF400 is my first RME interface.
Would u mind to tell me how to record software to software ?
( I want to use Cubase rec sound from Wavelab.  )

Thk for all answers.

and Sorry for my weak Eng.

Re: I can't use FF400 record from software to software ?


you can use the "loopback" feature of totalmix.

- Route the signal from WL to any free physical output (e.g. 9+10), that is the last row of TM. The corresponding input (in this case 9+10) needs to be unused as well.
- Activate loopback on that output ("ctrl"+click on output label -> label turns red - see manual for details)
- Record that input (here 9+10) with Cubase

Or you could export the file in WL and import it in Cubase, if that's an option cool.

Re: I can't use FF400 record from software to software ?

Thank a lot.
I can do it now.